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Anger is not always a bad emotion. It can be used in a positive way. Anger can prompt us to take action when we see an injustice being done. And if we use our anger positively and constructively, we can make much needed changes in our world. But anger becomes a problem when we let it consume us. We become miserable and lash out at others that are not even to blame. Because we don't know where else to direct our rage. Instead of letting our goal be to make positive changes to our situation, we become obsessed with revenge. The only way we feel we can ever get past this crippling emotion is to make the person or persons responsible for our pain pay for what they did. And if we ever do succeed on our revenge, then what? Because the fact is, the anger still won't go away. We have to find a way to overcome and control these feelings that make us lose all control of our lives.

As with the other emotions that are taking control of us, the first step to overcome is by reaching out to someone else that you trust to help you. Many people feel that it is shameful to seek professional help. They feel like others will think of them as a nut job and their pride keeps them from getting the help they need. But the truth is, someone who is able to accept that they have a problem and can take that step to get help is demonstrating a great strength. They have the strength to overcome their pride and take control of their own life. As I have said before, take baby steps. If you feel you are not ready to ask for professional help, reach out to someone you can trust. It will make a huge difference in your healing process.

If you can find a way to harness your anger and begin to use it in a positive way, it will help you more than I can express. It will boost confidence in yourself and help you in all other aspects of recovery. I have found that by expressing my anger in a way that is controlled, calm and respectful gets greater results than when I lose control of myself. And I have more confidence in myself to speak up when I witness an injustice taking place.  And no, I can't change the world and I can't change what others do. But I can make a little bit of difference in my own way; and maybe soon, if others do the same, we will see our world change for the better.


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