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When Emotions Attack

Over the next few days I am going to be putting to light the emotions that attack us, control us, and can potentially destroy us. These emotions leave us surrounded in silent darkness. They leave us blinded; locked away in a dark room and we can't find the door. Everyone at some point experiences these kinds of emotions. But for those of us that have endured the pain of child abuse, those emotions can take such a hold and drown out anything good around us. We can be surrounded by beauty and wonder and not even take notice. That hope we've been waiting for can be staring us in the face, and we look the other way.

So, I have decided to attack three of these emotions back by facing them head-on and forcing them into the light. These emotions are fear, anger, and hate. These emotions have been set into motion by the ones that hurt us. Used as a tool to control and tear us down. For those of us that are christians, we know that they are tools used by the Enemy of our awesome and merciful God. Satan uses them to distract us from the goodness and hope that God is offering us. And if we can shatter each of these tools of his, we can shatter his hold on us and finally have the peace and freedom God wants for us.

So, be looking for my new posts. I hope they are helpful for you. And thanks again for visiting. God Bless.


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